Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Monday, April 4, 2016
Can't wait to see us? Well take a look at us now :)
our Mexican partners from VidaLife Church
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures!
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Chris A
Friday, April 1, 2016
Hey! Take a look at these pictures :)
couple of men in the center square.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Some More Pics!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Some Pics!
Please join with us as we ask the Holy Spirit to move in and through our team.
Sharing dinner with a group of Mexican teens Tuesday evening
Chriss S
The team and I just finished our first full day in Mexico. We got to mix concrete to help lay the foundations for a house, as well as go out into the surrounding village and talk to the locals and invite them to a program we will be putting on tomorrow.
In the evening we got to practice our dramas and hang out with the teens from Tree of Life. This was really cool as last time I went on this trip, we didn’t get the opportunity to really network with people our age. I so excited for the rest of the week and seeing what God will do through us as a team.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Hey y'all!
We finally made it after what felt like years sitting in the seat of an airplane! When we landed it didn't finally hit me that we are here in Mexico and it still hasn't. The humidity was a slap in the face as soon as you hopped off the plane. Seeing the tons of people walking through the streets was a bit shocking, because in America we have smaller cities and towns and never this many people all out at the same time.
After we got settled in our room, we headed out to dinner. The food definitely tastes so much better and way more fresh than America (no offense I still love you America).
I'm looking forward to ministering to the older students here and just hanging out with them. I'm hoping they'll be grateful to get a chance to spend time with some kids their ages, no matter the language barrier.
Pastor Mike told me today that you were to give your whole life to Christ and not just give half of it. That really speaks to me because I was only, and sometimes still, give half of my life to Christ. I realize that I need to get my whole life to Christ, because he gives me all of him, so I have to give him all of me.
So give your whole life to Christ.
Nadia <3
We made it!
After a four hour flight and lack of sleep we are here in Mexico, FINALLY! I've been waiting for months go on this trip and I feel so extremely blessed to be here. This is my third time in Mexico and it's a crazy feeling to be back. We call the hotel we stay at "home", because that's what it feels like. Something I'm hoping happens while we are here is to just connect on a deeper level with God and the kids here. I want to inspire these kids and show them to God. Tonight during our mission leader Mike's message he preached that we don't need to have a certain quality or talent in order to show others to God. This means a lot to me because I really want to reach out to other, but I haven't really known how to show God's love. I've learned that I don't need to have anything except God in my heart and a bit of courage.
From ya girl,
Here we go!
Ready, set, go!
Our team has been preparing. They have been packing. And they have been praying!
We are looking forward to seeing what these next 9 days will hold. My hope and prayer for this team is that they will put themselves in the same position of service that Jesus does as he shows His love.
Please keep looking here for all of our updates and stories. We appreciate all the love and support you have shown to us. We leave fully funded and fully expectant.
Can't wait to see what the Lord does!